When I put out a call for volunteers to help with small projects for the Combat Master, Aiden Lee Deshra was one of the first people to contact me (almost immediately). After my staff mirrored the template-layout of the Martial Arts forms, I needed to take the existing information that was already in a place in a different format and convert it to the template. Aiden was able to take all the information, throw it into a Google Document (about 5,000 words of content all together), and systematically went through and manually copied over each entry/stub into the template format while checking to ensure it was done correctly. His diligence and work with this task saved the Combat Master (that's me) probably half-a-nights extra work, allowing me time to focus on other things that needed to get done.
You can view the now updated page here.
Thanks again, Aiden! Huge help and service to the Brotherhood. I appreciate it!
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-05-25 04:42:42 UTC