Event Details

Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Our recently completed Plagueis Pro Bowl clan feud offered all of our members the chance to step up into a high stakes, high activity competitive environment. Malice showed just how strong of a competitor she is by submitting to 20 of the 30 possible competitions, earning placements in six of the events (2 First place, 2 Second Place, and 2 Third Place). Overall since her last recognition on January 30th, she has entered 38 total competitions earned 13 crescents (3 Ruby, 4 Amethyst, 4 Sapphire, and 2 Emerald), and an incredible 31 Clusters of Ice. Malice is one of Plagueis' best members, and though she hasn't been in the club long, she carries herself both in words and action as a seasoned veteran. It is my absolute pleasure to recommend her for this award.

Congratulations, Malice!

Master Dracaryis, 2016-06-24 18:16:01 UTC