Event Details

Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Arden has been an ACC Judge, Magistrate to the Voice and an active contributor in his Clan for the past sixteen months, and taken as a whole of his accomplishments has earned the rank of Equite 4 and Sith Warlord. As Voice, I can speak personally of the quantity and scope of his impacts across the Brotherhood during his time on my staff, while I will invite his Clan summit and the Combat Master to chime in with just how much he's done.

As the only active Magistrate when I took on the position of Voice, Arden was quick to catch me up on the processes and help manage the day to day workflow of the office. His already solid grasp on the day to day made the transition easier as we dug into a set of projects that needed immediate attention. The first major of these was the Fiction Society, where he provided valuable input on balancing the entire system around amounts of points given for different activities so the society ranks appropriately reflected accomplishments. He reviewed the Shadow Academy Society course I wrote as well as the Wiki documentation for clarity of understanding and proofing, and wrote a short set of fictions to accompany the official launch of the society that helped members get a real grasp on what it meant fictionally for their characters to interact and engage with this new force of the Grand Master's making.

In smaller scope and day to day as part of the Voice staff Arden approved nearly 200 Character Sheets with varying levels of feedback in additional to appropriate remands to improve the quality of characters across the Brotherhood, organized 5 different DJB wide competitions along with the rest of the staff to provide entertaining opportunities for members, helped take point on revising the CS Approval Guidelines in a post CS2.0 environment to better align with the policies that the staff worked under as they processed character sheets, took point on the Voice competitoin approval guidelines as well to see them revised for extra requirements surrounding Brotherhood wide competitions and clarity, as well as helping to process many competitions that come throught he Voice staff requesting Clusters of Ice and processing those medals. As well as participation in countless telegram discussions that resulted in policy or functional decisions around adding new species, how poisons will function, and many other day to day to help members make decisoins for their characters on the realism front regarding either the ACC, run-ons or their personal fictions.

He has been a great asset to the Voice staff this past year, and the Brotherhood, and will surely continue to be so in whatever capacity he finds himself in. Congratulations on your promotion Arden, you have earned it, and looking forward to seeing you around the DJB in the future and hopefully working together again.

In darkness,
Evant Taelyan, Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2016-07-03 16:28:48 UTC
Additional reasons

As an ACC Judge, Arden was always the first person to step up and offer to take on a match that showed up in the queue. His tenacity and energy helped keep a healthy but competitive air to the ACC staff. Over the course of his time as an ACC Judge, Arden graded 30 ACC Matches (25% of all matches over that time period) and Qualified 13 members for the ACC. He helped pull off a monumental feat in ACC Rivalries where we saw over 50 matches graded. With the average match taking 45-60 minutes to grade by contemporary standards, this totals out to a minimum range of 22.5 Hours of grading with the intent to provide strong feedback for the members in question.

Aside from grading matches, Arden was a big part of any discussion involving the mechanics, policies, or grading rubric for the ACC.

For his dedication to his job from beginning to end, I'm honored to be adding my voice to this recommendation. Congratulations, Arden.

Combat MasteR

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-06-29 15:55:18 UTC

Arden is one of the constants in Plagueis, and has been so since he arrived on the eve of Horizons. Over the last 16 months, he’s always been there in some capacity to help the Clan grow and mature into the well oiled machine it has become today. Whether it is through mentoring our newer members (such as his apprentice Abadeer Taasi) or stepping back into leadership directly to train our new crop of leaders (in the person of his Aedile Malice), he’s always there. When it comes to feud or vendetta activity, he can always be counted on for entries or to lead teams for the various team entry events (his specialty is Battleplan), and he’s always there in our clan Telegram channel to help build the feeling of community our Clan strives for. Additionally, I know everything he does is in order to make the Brotherhood as a whole a better place for everyone and not motivated out of a sense of personal advancement, and that, no matter how aggravating that passion can at times be can be for some, it comes from a positive place. Arden is the prime example of an active and dedicated member, always looking to be a producer first and a consumer second, that we set up as the example of what the highest ranks of the Equites are meant to be. Congratulations, Arden, and here’s to the next one!

Proconsul, Clan Plagueis

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-07-03 16:01:24 UTC

Arden Karn is someone who I have had the privilege of working with during most of my time in the Brotherhood. Arden joined only a year after I did, and since then our "careers" in the Brotherhood have mirrored one another until recently. We both obtained similar positions, were promoted around the same time; in short, I know exactly how hard Arden works to better both his, and others', experience in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. That is why I'm very happy to submit this recommendation for him to be promoted to the rank of Equite 4.

In the past 16 months Arden has been busy with DB life: splitting his time between the ACC, Voice office, and Clan Plagueis. But I'm here to talk about his activity in Clan Plagueis which has, to say the least, been phenomenal. Since his last promotion, Arden has participated in 79 competitions while racking up 26 crescents. More recently he was very active in the Clan Plagueis 2016 Pro Bowl event going 25 out of 30 competitions across 3 weeks and placing in 7 of those events. Aside from that, Arden has also ran 5 various competitions and co-organized 1. Aside from his activity in the competition arena, Arden has also been active in writing and gaming for Clan Plagueis. Since his last promotion Arden has racked up 3 Pendants of Blood, 70 Clusters of Fire, and 32 Clusters of Earth. In the writing corner he has tallied up an impressive 29 Clusters of Ice and just shy of 13,000 words of fiction.

Ardens activity has also been displayed over the past 16 months with an impressive cabinet of awards: 3 Dark Crosses (one for work on possessions, one for fictional development of the Brotherhood with the Grand Master, and one for his work reviewing and developing the new Covenant), 1 Anteian Cross (for his work in the Hand to Hand combat revamp), and 3 Steel Crosses (one for the Character Sheet 2.0 development, one for his activity during the Plagueis-Tarentum Forged Alliances event, and one for his activity spanning the Odan Urr-Plagueis Between Light and Dark feud and the 2016 Plagueis Pro Bowl). On top of that he has also gathered 6 Scrolls of Foundation, and has mentored an apprentice, Abadeer Taasii, to the rank of knight earning him a Scroll of the Master.

On top of his numbers, Arden has always been knee-deep into the workings and going-ons of Clan Plagueis. Working on little projects here and there, but also as a leader. More recently this has translated into his stepping back into proper leadership as the Quaestor of House Ajunta Pall in Clan Plagueis. For a long time Arden sacrificed and stepped aside to allow for the development and transition of newer, "younger" members into leadership as well as focus on his duties in the VOICE office more closely. Not only did he step aside to allow for that, but also provided the leadership and guidance for these newer members; as indicated by his apprentice Abadeer Taasii also now being on the Plagueis Summit. This type of sacrifice and leadership is something that Clan Plagueis has thrived on for several years now: leaders and community members who provide for the member base without demanding a leadership position of their own. Arden exemplifies this and has since day one. "It takes a village to raise a child" is a common theme around Plagueis and Arden has not only been an architect of this motto but also has "walked the walk" these past 16 months. More recently he's also been engaging with newer leaders in developing project work; with the help of Arden, Laren Uscot has been wrapping up the last stages of a coordinated wiki project to update the Plagueis history and related pages. Arden was there to help pull together information from the past 3 or so years, proofread, clarify, and make revisions as needed.

All in all I'm very happy and proud of Arden to be able to earn this promotion to Equite 4. Through his activity, leadership, and guidance, Clan Plagueis is in a much better place today than it would be without him. Congratulations, Arden!

Consul, Clan Plagueis

Teylas Ramar, 2016-07-03 16:04:28 UTC