Event Details

Event ID
Aul Celsus
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Primary reason

Aul Celsus has been a much needed addition to Clan Naga Sadow. Upon entering the Brotherhood a little over half a year ago, he has taken to the Clan, and the Club, with surprising tenacity. His devotion, loyalty and seemingly inexhaustible energy, not only to the Clan but the Brotherhood at large, provide a great example that other members should look up to. In fact, if we had more members who aspired to be like Aul Celsus, Naga Sadow would be a force to be reckoned with. It is with great pride and joy to be recommending "Owly" today for his promotion to the Equite ranks! Lets dig into his impressive history since his last recognition on the 2nd of May, 2016.

Aul has recently crushed it in the competitions sector, having participated in all competitions during the CNS/CSP Feud. Out of seventeen total competitions he earned himself two second place finishes, three third place finishes, two fourth place finishes, one fifth place, two sixth place finishes, one seventh place and finally two eighth place finishes for a total of two Ruby and three Amethyst Crescents! To top off his hard work he secured a First Place overall finish, earning himself his first ever Gold Nova! For this effort alone recognition is well deserved!

Our resident owl also participated in the 2016 ACC Journeyman Tourney, which encompassed the entire Brotherhood. Aul wrote phenomenally in every match and you can clearly see his progression with each new battle he wrote. For his amazing effort he placed second out of sixteen participants, earning a Ruby Crescent and a Gladius Badge accessory.

As if that wasn't enough, Aul has participated in another twenty-four competitions and earned another Ruby, four Amethyst, three Sapphire, three Emerald and one Topaz Star Crescent! Fiction wise, Aul has performed outstanding by completing six Fiction activities for a total word count of three-thousand-nine-hundred and fifty-two words!

Nope, we're not done yet! After having completed the Tourney he allowed himself to become entangled in the writing of yet another new wiki page in order to help expand the lore of House Shar Dakhan. After having completed the page on Arik Shathis, for which Aul was awarded, in part, an Anteian Cross, I felt confident in his abilities to handle wiki pages with high quality success. Thus The Empiricalum was finished just within a few days of Aul picking up the assignment once I approached him. Having added his own personal pictures and writing the page from his own experience in the lab, I could not be more happy with how real the page turned out to be. This is easily one of the more higher quality wiki pages in our system, one that I am proud to have Aul stick his name all over.

I could still go on and on about you Aul, but I have to let others praise you too!

I feel this is just the tip of the iceberg for this new member. These accomplishments in just under six months of joining the Club show how much potential Aul has. I for one cannot wait to see where he will end up later down the road. I am extremely proud of what you have accomplished in these past few months. Keep your head high and stomp through the opposition buddy!

Congratulations Aul on your promotion to Equite 1! This is more than well deserved and I hope you enjoy the new perks that come with the rank!

Quaestor of Shar Dakhan
Master of Aul Celsus

Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, 2016-08-11 23:27:41 UTC
Additional reasons

Aul Celsus has quickly made a name for himself within Naga Sadow and the Brotherhood. His appearance in the Journeyman Tournament was seen by others to be a fleeting one, which of course led to a great deal of surprise that Aul made it all the way to the final where he took on Blade. His hard work and grit to succeed enabled him to do so.

Aul has become part of the family here in Naga Sadow. He's loud, posts loads of gifs and links in Telegram, generally annoying me alongside Darkblade and Ophelia (they're all fantastic at doing that). He's also super active, keen to learn and lead and no one can say a bad word about him.

Darkblade's rec more than states why Aul deserves this promotion. I can only say well done on what you've achieved so far, Aul. I look forward to seeing what more you can do now that you're part of the Equites.


Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2016-08-09 09:10:10 UTC

Aul Celsus is a member who doesn't quit. He entered the Journeyman ACC Tournament and made it to the final round. Immediately afterward, we entered our feud with CSP. In this event, Aul was one of only four members to participate in every competition. He also placed and scored highly enough to have the highest individual score in the competition, thus earning a Gold Nova.

This is just one example of Aul's dedication and determination. He's great to have around in the clan and always bringing new ideas to the table. As the other recommendations show, Aul has been a steady competitor, while also helping out the Clan with projects and leading subunits.

Thus, I would like to add my name in recommending this promotion for Aul. Congratulations, and welcome to the Equites. No more Journeyman Tourneys for you!!!

Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2016-08-11 19:53:32 UTC

Aul Celsus has been a firecracker since he joined us in Naga Sadow. He is hard-working and he is passionate. As the others have noted in their recommendations, he has accomplished a lot in his time with us. His placement in the Journeyman ACC was notable, his Gold Nova for his work in the recent Feud was spectacular and his wiki work is commendable.

Aul has been a consistent worker, an even stronger competitor and has fully integrated himself into our Clan family. He is constantly hanging around in Telegram with us when he is not kicking rear in competitions. His efforts can be noted, for example, in the 45 Clusters of Fire, the 18 Clusters of Ice, the 13 Clusters of Earth or the six classes he passed. If that isn't quite enough, you cannot forget that he managed to also finish a Dark Maven in Combat in June.

Now, I know some of the things that I have gone over will be reiterated by the others as they chime in. The greatest thing I have to credit Aul Celsus with is his attitude. He has been in my observation a great self-starter and is quick to learn from correction or advice. I do not believe I can recall a time when Aul was not at least somewhat up-beat. And that kind of stuff? That can get infectious. So you can imagine how happy I became when he applied to become the Battleteam Leader of Devil's Shroud- in my old post?

As time continues on, I firmly believe that Aul Celsus will continue to satisfy and later excel our expectations in him. Keep up the good work, Aul. Stand up and take your place amongst your peers as an Equite. Rise young Mystic!

Oh, and I hope you enjoy the shinies of your newfound rank.

Aedile of House Shar Dakhan

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2016-08-09 22:55:14 UTC

For the short time Aul had spent as the BTL of Shadow's Bane in House Marka Ragnos, He proved to me that he was never afraid to ask questions when he needed to know more about his position, and he always had some great ideas for competitions. He always worked hard and even when activity was low, He tried his best to help maintain activity. I could tell him to go do something and he would have it done by the end of the week. I never once had to tell him twice. As Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos I am proud and honored to see him promoted. Congratulations Aul on your well deserved promotion!

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2016-08-09 23:00:11 UTC

Owly has earned a name for himself in the Clan. Working up and taking charge of the Battleteam Shadow's Bane before heading across to our sister house taking up the mantle of BTL.

He is a hard worker, having set out to achieve the best of what he can. Second in the Journeyman Tourney and First place in shattered ties.

His hard work is a credit to him and his House and it is a pleasure to put my recomendation in.

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2016-08-10 17:44:51 UTC