Event Details

Event ID
Kyo Akumu
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Kyo, the Tofu supreme, has continued to demonstrate great effort and pride the last several months. In addition to being an active force on Telegram, Kyo has been knocking out quality submissions to competitions, totaling 24 of them, with 6 specifically being for our recent feud against Naga Sadow. Of these he has gone on to win 2 Amethyst Stars, 5 Sapphire Stars, and 2 Topaz Stars! For his great work these last several months, I recommend he be awarded this Anteian Cross!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-08-18 19:07:18 UTC
Additional reasons

Kyo, my eldest student and bright star in my life. Even with real life taking up the majority of his free time, he continues to impress. By participating in 6 Feud competitions, and standing in the top ten of 3 of these, Kyo proves he has the capacity and potential to obtain greater activity.

Well done, Tofu!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2016-08-16 22:30:09 UTC

Kyo's dedication to House Imperium and the efforts he undertook to ensure its prosperity in both House and Clan Feud are commendable. Moreover his efforts to produce quality submissions helped push CSP to victory over CNS. I particularly liked his Glittering gold and Sting of Betrayal submission. Proud of you, Kyo. Keep it up! As your prize, I give to you all the tofu. (on Lexi's bill)

~AED Blade Ta'var

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2016-08-16 22:59:04 UTC

Kyo has been a strong addition to CSP and House Imperium in the recent months. He may not always do every comp out there but he puts all his best efforts forward and improves the room and the competitions just by competing. Kyo hangs around Telegram and the room is definitely more fun with him there. Well earned.

Tribune Kanal O'neill, 2016-08-17 01:55:28 UTC

High participation. Regular, cheered presence on telegram. Always an upstanding gent. Tasty once fried and mixed with some couscous. What more could you possibly ask? He fought hard in the Shattered Ties feud, and has raked in a good amount of medals. And whenever he shows up on TG, he knows how to entertain us and make us laugh.

We need more folks like this crazy guy.

Congratulations on your award! Good work!

, 2016-08-18 00:25:38 UTC