Christopher Winchester, or as we call him Nero, has been a member of House Hoth almost 3 months now and during that time he has been a very active and impressive member of not only the House, but the Clan as a whole. So, Nero has definitely has integrated himself into the House and brought with him his drive, determination and a slew of activity with him.
Since his last promotion 2 years ago, Nero has an impressive resume to his name. During this time, he served as BTL for 13 days, Aedile for 6 months and currently has held a M:MAA position for the last 11 months! So clearly Nero is one that isn’t afraid of responsibility and a hefty workload. If that wasn’t impressive enough he also organized 3 competitions, co-organized 9 competitions and participated in 97 competitions earning himself a Steel Cross, an Anteian Cross, a Dark Cross, a Crescent with Ruby Star, 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 9 Crescents with Emerald Star, 3 Crescents with Topaz Star, 10 Pendants of Blood, 1582 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Ice for 1794 run-on words, 162 Clusters of Earth, 1 Scroll of Introduction for recruiting Aysteda and 3 Legion of the Scholar!
Nero has hit the ground running in Hoth and to show this he recently went 8 for 9 comps in the most recent Clan Event: Homecoming and finished 5th overall. He definitely showed up when the House needed him the most and it even inspired me and other members of the House to participate more in the event.
We can spend days talking about his numbers, but for me it’s the person that has impressed me the most. He can be a pain from time and time but he is always putting his views and ideas out there. Even if they might not be the popular way to think about things he at least brings a different viewpoint to the discussion and that a rare and great thing to have in any unit. Nero is always there is offer suggestions and how to improve how comps are designed and ran. Not to mention he will always give feedback on any comp he takes part in good or bad he lets you know how to make the next one better.
OK lets face it, Nero talks ALOT, he makes his thoughts and opinion known even when it to the chagrin to his superiors and he gets others to voice theirs as well. So to some this may be a sign of a trouble member, but I see it as an honest and no holds barred feedback source to know where and when I can improve. Not only for my sake, but for the entire House. So I’m glad Nero is around to give the Summit the feedback we desperately need.
At this time it’s not only my pleasure but it’s my honor to recommend Christopher Winchester for his promotion to EQ2, Congratulations Nero, you more than earned this!
Edgar Drachen, Aedile of House Hoth
Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2016-08-17 21:44:07 UTC