Event Details

Event ID
Tebbo Jensen
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Primary reason

During the last month Tebbo Jensen did pretty good.

Tebbo participated in 11 competitions, of diverse kinds, which pleases me a lot. Smile He was able to place in 4 of them and earned himself 1 Topaz, 1 Emerald and 2 Sapphire Crescents.

Between competitions Tebbo found his way to the Shadow Academy and succeeded in passing Combat Tactics, with a pretty good score.

If you ever get a shot to read some of this guy's fiction, do it, it is well written. It gained him 3 Clusters of Ice.

Tebbo Jensen managed to do all of this in one month time. Well done! I believe you deserve this Dark Cross!

Ranarr Kul-Tarentae, 2016-08-20 16:31:26 UTC