Event Details

Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Darkblade has consistently been a solid, leading member of CNS, whether it is in his leadership or activity. He has participated in 31 competitions since his last recognition, including 16 of the 17 competitions of the recent feud with CSP. As a result, he has taken home 4 Ruby Crecents, 1 Amethyst, and 1 Sapphire. He has also earned 40 Clusters of Fire, 12 of Ice, and 265 of Earth. Furthermore, he has earned three Scrolls of Foundation, for his service to the Shadow Academy.

As a leader, Darkblade continues to push his House to succeed. This was demonstrated by their overall participation in the feud, in which HSD had 17 of their 25 members participate and produce 99 entries. Following the feud, Darkblade was responsible for immediately ensuring that several of his members were recognized for their efforts, including three Equite promotions.

During July and August, he has also updated several wiki pages for the clan. These include a new location for Shar Dakhan, as well as the Sons and Daughters of Sadow page. Darkblade is always available to assist and will help with any project that he can. This is exemplified in that when I have questions about how to do something with a wiki page, Darkblade is good at explaining how it works and what to do.

Overall, Darkblade continues to lead Shar Dakhan well and make lasting impact on the House and Clan. For this, I would like to award him this Steel Cross.

Congratulations, Darkblade!

Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2016-08-22 20:21:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Darkblade is a walking, talking machine. He's the human version of the Terminator. He's tenacious, unforgiving and unstoppable. Even while being on holiday in the USA, he still participated in 16 out of 17 competitions in Shattered Ties, leading his House and getting 17 out of 25 members to participate.

These members produced 99 entries for the Clan and helped us immensely during our Vendetta. Darkblade is much more than that though, he's an excellent Quaestor and has seen his projects through to fruition, like updating HSD's wiki pages and creating new locations and cities in the Orian System.

Without members like Darkblade, we'd be amiss. He may be a gigantic pain the arse at times, but he holds himself to a high standard and wishes for his members to succeed and reach their goals.

Congratulations on your Steel Cross, Darkblade!

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2016-08-21 21:45:39 UTC

I have worked with Darkblade for roughly seven months, during which we have tried to work as a blockbuster QUA-AED team. I do not think I could recount the number of times we spoke over Telegram, that we discussed future plans for fictional direction, or that we debated ways we could make things work more efficiently or to further engage our member base.

Now, he isn't always the easiest of people to work with sometimes and he can have a bit of a temper. He really seems to care what happens with the House. Darkblade wants to see fun and excellence coming out of HSD, and seems to do what he can to help the Clan develop further. He takes steps to try and make this vision a reality. When one thing isn't working, he is immediately looking at some new way to try and make the House operate. He never hesitates to challenge the status quo. For the above reasons I want to add my voice in recommending him for a Steel Cross.

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2016-08-21 23:58:56 UTC

It’s difficult to find something new to say about Darkblade that hasn’t already been mentioned in these other recommendations. I have only been in Clan Naga Sadow for a little over 3 months, in that time I would certainly consider myself lucky to have been working alongside Darkblade.

Others point him out to be somewhat hotheaded and a pain in the arse, are these things true? Yes, quite so but there is a certain method to his madness, as it were. Darkblade won’t hesitate to point things out that he disagrees with, nor will he just accept answers to his questions that have no substance, which forms into an informed dialogue amongst the Leadership and enables us to consider potential changes and directions that the Clan could take. It’s easy to see how great of a member he is, but when I say he’s an integral part of our Leadership structure and someone that has my respect, I am not doing so lightly.

So, here’s to a great leader and an excellent member, Congratulations.

Rollmaster of Naga Sadow

Mar Sûl, 2016-08-22 03:00:42 UTC