The Call to Arms event allowed the members of the Houses of Clan Plagueis to show their mettle against each other. Kul’tak stepped up and competed in 10 of the 21 competitions offered. He netted 3 Amythest Crescents for his efforts by taking first place in the Week 1 and 2 Flash Gaming competitions as well as the Week 2 What’s in a Name competition. In total since his last recognition, Kul’tak has participated in 13 competitions, completed two ACC matches, and earned 11 Clusters of Ice and 8 Clusters of Earth. Kul’tak also took the time to assist in motivating the members of his Battleteam and House to participate in the Call to Arms feud.
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia, 2016-08-24 01:32:09 UTC