Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Primary reason

Malice is one of those members that has an immediate desire to make an impact in the Clan. Though she has only been around for a bit shy of 8 months, Malice is already making a mark on the unit through her efforts. Not only is she a highly active member, but she has also proven to be a successful leader.

During our recent A Call to Arms feud, Malice participated in 9 of the 23 events offered (in between her vacations, because she’s just that dedicated). Over the course of the feud, she took third place in Week 2’s Where’s Watto? competition and Week 3’s Graphics and Puzzle events. Her performance netted 54 points for her House, good for 10th place overall. Her contributions were key in Ajunta Pall’s closely fought second place finish in the feud.

In total since achieving Knighthood, Malice has competed in 37 competitions and placed in 13 of them while earning 13 crescents. (2 Ruby, 3 Amythest, 3 Sapphire, 4 Emerald and 1 Topaz.) She’s also earned an amazing 23 Clusters of Ice for 11,495 words across 9 individual fiction activities in the same period. For her efforts in the Plagueis Pro Bowl event, Malice also earned an Anteian Cross. Although she has been an very active member, this is not the most important way she aids the clan.

Four months ago, Malice stepped up and took over as Aedile of House Ajunta Pall and has performed admirably in that role. She has filed all four of her reports on time, providing valuable information to the unit. She’s been a strong motivator to other members of the house, maintaining an absolutely stellar presence in our Clan’s Telegram group. While there she has not hesitated to help our members address concerns, get connected with resources and information pertinent to their needs, and, most importantly, done her all to promote the positive and welcoming environment that Plagueis strives to create. Additionally, she served as an invaluable resource when I took the reins of the house.

For all these reasons it gives me great pleasure to recommend Malice for this promotion and want to be the first to welcome her to the ranks of the Equites.

Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia, 2016-08-24 01:33:46 UTC