Event Details

Event ID
Zel Koo
Steel Cross
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

Since his last merit award, Samael Ozriel hast participated in no less than 23 competitions and earned a total of 9 Crescents of various types. Samael is equally a gamer and a writer. Since his last medal he has earned 6 Pendants of Blood, 92 Clusters of Fire and the impressive sum of 15 Clusters of Ice for almost 6000 written words.

He's recently taken the reigns BT Deathsworn as a Battle Team Sergeant and has organized 3 competitions and co-organized 1. He's an active presence on Telegram and always there to help out his fellow Tarenti. Tarentum is lucky to have. Congratulations on your award, Samael!

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2016-09-02 18:17:22 UTC