Event Details

Event ID
Balis Umada
Old Rank
Journeyman 3
New Rank
Journeyman 4
Requested by
Abadeer Taasii
Primary reason

Tharess is one of our older Journeyman, but in the last couple months he's worked hard with myself and a few others of the Plagueis Summit to complete all of his achievements to reach the rank of Knight. I've had the pleasure of being both his Battle Team Leader and his Aedile, and getting the chance to help him in what ways I could as he worked hard to achieve this rank. Some of Tharess' achievements include coorganizing two competitions, which help him be prepared to enter the ranks of the Equite where he would be expected to help produce content not just consume. He's participated in 48 competitions across his history here, as well has having placed in 8 of them receiving various levels of crescents. His work in the Shadow Academy has also been enough for him to reach Rank V. These are only a selection of some of the credentials that Tharess has worked for to be worthy of receiving the title of Knight. I would like to offer my congratulations to him, and how proud I am for the work he's done. I can't wait to see what you do more with your career in the DJB.

Abadeer Taasii, 2016-10-14 22:36:51 UTC