Event Details

Event ID
Aedile Raistlin
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Raistlin Sadow, a name that has long been associated with not only the devastation of our clan's enemies, but also with the art of looking good while doing so. Raistlin had recently assumed the position of Ludo Kressh Aedile, forming a team with Robert Daragon to bring the house of Ludo Kressh back from the dead. But this is just the most recent of his honours. Raistlin has long been an asset to the clan, with his activity, his humour, and with his personality. His impact on the clan can be felt every day in how Naga Sadow maintains it's relaxed state, yet somehow channels it into dominance of competitions. It's only appropriate that we recommend some more "bling" for the esteemed 'Gangsta of Sadow'. With the discussion of Raistlin Sadow during the September Clan Summit, together with approval and blessings of the Inner Order of the Clan Naga Sadow, the Naga Sadow Black Guardsmen, and of Consul Xanos Zorrixor, I hereby reccomend Raistlin for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations, Son of Sadow. ~Muz Ashen Keibatsu/PCON/Naga Sadow

, 2005-09-03 22:00:00 UTC