Event Details

Event ID
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Grand Cross
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

Since his last medal, Major Ranarr Kull has participated in 66 competitions, 28 of which were for the TAR-ARC-PLA three-way event Aftermath where he was a champion for Tarentum, earning a honorable 5th place. Ranarr has earned no less then 11 Crescents of various types including a Diamond Star Crescent 6 Clusters of Graphite and 3 Clusters of Ice. An avid gamer as well, Ranarr has received 650 Clusters of Fire, 25 Clusters of Earth and 1 Pendant of Blood. Ranarr has recently also passed 5 Shadow Academy exams and earned a Dark Maven in Writing.

If all of that wasn't amazing, Ranarr is also a great Rollmaster for Tarentum. Besided welcoming and tutoring all the Jouneymen in Tarentum: almost 100 emails for welcoming, promotion help, finding masters, and farewells all on a personal level for each of our Journeymen, 5 Knightings in the last quarter, multiple merit awards handed out and hosting a massive amount of competitions, 35 competitions to be more specific. His competitions range from easy to hard, from 1 week long to month long. He is a constant presence on Telegram, always helpful

Ranarr is a great support for me and Sith Bloodfyre. We are not only lucky to have him but also very grateful. Congratulations, Ranarr Kul!

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2016-12-11 17:21:39 UTC