Following in the footsteps of our best members and under the tutelage of Sa Ool, Hiset has never failed to impress. His calm attitude and ability to be among our most active exemplify some of the qualities expected of a Jedi Knight.
He is a behemoth of activity - to put it mildly, entering 17 competitions and earning himself five Crescents for competition placement. And that has only been since his last elevation. He has passed 33 courses – two of which are Leadership courses - and earned himself two Pundit, two Maven degrees, and a Scroll of Foundation for helping improve the SA. He has gone further than that, however - Hiset has earned himself 78 CoFs, 2 PoBs and 3CoIs. In two months, he's far exceeded anything expected of him, and is unrivalled in drive and initiative. Whether the task includes gaming, fiction or in the SA - he's more than willing to give it his best.
One of the most impressive things about Hiset is his ability to complete jigsaws in record time. Over the past few weeks, I have been on Hiset's heels, however he has completely squashed the competition, often being many seconds faster than the next fastest. And for this I commend him - congrats, sir!
As a Rollmaster, it has been my pleasure to see such a member rise up the ranks - and with character so richly detailled. With that said, I beileve it is time to cast his Padawan braid aside, and allow him to rise a Jedi Knight. Congratulations!
Corvus Corax, 2016-11-30 18:30:26 UTC