Event Details

Event ID
Akaarn Tayl'cor
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Akaarn is a bit like a Batman villain: he's good at banter and all things related to his particular niche. In this case, he's the Riddler. If there's a puzzle, code, logic problem, or anything resembling such, Akaarn will find it, he will solve it, and there are good odds that he'll make off with a Crescent. Since his last recognition, he's participated in 23 competitions. Although many of them fall into Akaarn's niche, as Seraphol notes below he recently branched out and made his Brotherhood writing debut in our Clan-wide run-on.

As most of his competition submissions are in solo activities, you might get the impression that Akaarn doesn't interact with his clanmates much. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is an active and friendly participant in the House and COU telegram channels, where's he's happy to give advice or just banter. Units live or die based on their members' ability to form real relationships with each other, so the importance of Akaarn's social activity should not be discounted.

Akaarn, keep on keepin' on, and enjoy your Anteian Cross!

Alethia Archenksova,
Quaestor, Satele Shan

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2016-12-17 16:56:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Akaarn is one of our most vocal and active members in Shan. He is usually happy sitting in his comfort zone where he chats with members in the Clan participating in the jigsaw, logic puzzle, and flash gaming competitions. With the recent Clan Anniversary competition, he stepped outside of that comfort zone and wrote 2 very well thought out posts in the Run-On. During the time since his last award he has participated in a total of 23 competitions, and placed in 7 total.

I think that Akaarn will be our "forever Journeyman" but that makes him no less important in House Satele Shan. He participates where he feels most comfortable and interacts with his Clanmates. I hope this award shows our gratitude for just being here and doing what he can, when he can.

General Daniel Stephens, 2016-12-13 02:25:25 UTC