Since his last recognition Lavanth has stepped out of his normal comfort zone and started getting involved with the ACC. He even had competed in the Guest of the Matron tournament as well.
In total he has completed 2 SA courses and participated in 15 competitions earning himself 2 Crescents of Amethyst stars and 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars. During this time he was able to earn 10 Clusters of Fire, 10 Clusters of Ice and 4 Clusters of Graphite.
These number along with his constant presence in telegragm and hid eagerness to help the House and Clan summits whenever and however he can makes him a valuable member to have.
It's for these reasons I am happy to award him his 2nd Dark Cross of his career.
Ghost Edgar Drachen, 2016-12-19 00:18:38 UTC