Event Details

Event ID
Qor Kith
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Lexiconus Qor, our beloved Squiddles has continued to keep up his A game these last couple of months since obtaining EQ3. As a QUA, he is regularly in communication with his house, and constantly looking for new ways to better himself and the members of the clan. Most recently this came in the format of a proposal to help strengthen one of CSP's major weak points, gaming numbers. Lexic is constantly on the lookout for new ways to push himself and the clan forward. He is regularly PMing me on ideas for new clan activities, members who have been showing good potential, and suggestions of things he has seen in other units. He is typically the first of the leaders in the clan to email a new member, getting to them with incredible speed upon receipt of the new member email. He is on telegram nearly constantly, with an incredible regularity of providing info for member's questions, suggestions for things they can do, and being a generally pleasant conversationalist in the clan channel.

But in addition to his regular and consistent amazing work as QUA, Lexic also hits it hard as a member, totaling some 23 competitions participated in the last two months, earning 2 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 3 Emerald Crescents, 23 Clusters of Fire, and 25 Clusters of Ice. This activity spurred him on to a 4th place finish in our recent Midnight event.

For his efforts as QUA and as a CSP member I recommend he be awarded this Steel Cross. Congrats Lexic!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-01-09 02:16:04 UTC
Additional reasons

Lexiconus is constantly active as QUA of Imperium and is a very valuable member of our summit team. In addition to his own high activity levels which frequently place him in the top 3 of clan-wide events, Lex is always looking for ways to improve the clan and dedicated to his leadership role, sending welcome emails and responding quickly on telegram around the clock. Frequently, Lex will have a personal email sent within half an hour of the member joining the club. The consistency and speed with which Lex addresses his leadership role takes a massive amount of pressure off the clan summit and we greatly appreciate his efforts.

Elincia Proconsul

General Zentru'la, 2017-01-08 23:39:26 UTC

Lexiconus is consistently active, taking part in numerous competitions, present nearly around the clock on telegram, and the ALWAYS the first to greet a new member to Imperium! He is a very strong leader, striving always for the betterment of not only his own House, but the Clan as a whole. He is always thinking up new ideas, bringing his best to his role, and just plain being there for his fellow clan mates. He is passionate about what he does as a QUA, and it never ceases to show. Admittedly, he is the first person I go to when I need things proofed, and he is one of my favourite people to bounce my own ideas off of. His feedback is always helpful and thoughtful.

Thank you Lexic! Keep up the incredible work!

Master Mune Cinteroph, 2017-01-09 02:01:37 UTC