Event Details

Event ID
Ringer Klang
Steel Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

During the last seven month since his last Merit Award, Ringer has been a steady source of activity, earning himself a total of twenty-one Crescents from thirty unique competitions including one with Diamond and seven with Ruby Star along a total of twenty Clusters of Earth and 4 Clusters of Ice. But his activity isn't only limited to participating in Competitions, he also fought and won a match in the Antei Combat Center.

For this kind of devotion to his Clan and House shall not go unnoticed, I am hereby requesting Ringer Klang to be rewarded with a Steel Cross.

Congratz Ringer, this is well deseverd!

Rian Taldrya, 2017-02-14 15:13:39 UTC