Event Details

Event ID
Ashael Blackstar
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Ash is a great member and is not only active by taking part in competitions and earning himself a Crescent with a Emerald Star, 5 Pendant's of Blood but has also earned himself a Scroll of foundation for earning 5 SA Degrees and taking 54 SA courses. In his short time within the Clan and as my apprentice he inspired me to go back and finish the last courses I needed to earn my Dark Sage. This is the type of member we want in this club ones that are not only active but ones that inspire older members to accomplish their own goals as well.

Ashael is someone I know will go far within the DJB and it's exciting to watch him grow. Keep it up my friend and Congratulations Hunter Ashael!

Edgar Drachen, 2017-02-21 19:08:39 UTC