Event Details

Event ID
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Old Rank
Equite 3
New Rank
Equite 4
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Over the last year plus, Maré Littus, better known as Celahir, has been a paragon of his kind, an asset to our Brotherhood in multiple levels of leadership and a participant and contributor both. In the sixteen months since his last promotion, Celahir has organized 50 competitions, coorganized 20, and participated in a whooping total of 234, placing in 74 of them and earning himself 4 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 7 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 17 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 25 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 20 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 1 Crescent with Topaz Star. Celahir has been an incredibly active member in both fiction and - especially, to say the least - gaming, completing 101 PvP Matches, 311 PvE Activities, and 5 Fiction Activities for 2723 words, all of which garnered him 7 Pendants of Blood, 4423 Clusters of Fire, 5 Clusters of Ice, 1130 Clusters of Earth. Additionally, he's been active in learning and bettering himself as well as bettering his Clan and Brotherhood, passing 13 Shadow Academy courses and earning 1 Dark Side Scroll, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination for recruiting, Magness Dritch (Maaks), now an Equite II, 12 Scrolls of Foundation, 3 Legions of the Scholar, and 2 Seals of Loyalty for service to Brotherhood and on the recommendation of the Fist. In addition to all this, since he was last promoted, Celahir has earned 2 Grand Crosses 3 Anteian Crosses, and 1 Dark Cross. These were, respectively, awarded for exemplary activity and for service to House and Clan as a Battleteam leader, for keeping the Fist staff running during a transition period between Fists, and for the research and creation of Fist-sponsored wiki pages.

Besides stellar personal activity, Celahir has also been a leader and advisor for many years, and has continued that pattern since he was last promoted. With a total of eight months of Clan leadership — 5 months as Battleteam Leader, 3 months as Quaestor — as well as 6 more months as Magistrate to the Fist and over a year as a Shadow Academy Docent, during which time he has graded 95 courses and posted 3 news posts, the man's impact in giving back to our club can't be understated. Other department heads will review, more specifically, his contributions in each of these positions, but it is my honor to say that Celahir has long been an invaluable member of the Arconan summit. His work as Battleteam Leader of Soulfire and Quaestor to Qel-Droma was always steadfast as needed, including timely reports and awarding, assistance in running and creating events, participation in summit discussion, and team development.

For all this, for his constant contributions and constant loyalty and service, we thank him. Congratulations, Irfan. You've worked hard for this, and you've well earned it. Welcome to the ranks of Equite IV.

Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2017-03-20 03:23:21 UTC
Additional reasons

Celahir has been and remains one of our members to which I find myself looking to for guidance in both his wisdom and experience in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. His personal activity speaks for itself and is touched on in more detail within Atyiru’s recommendation. I would like to touch on the other aspects of his leadership as an Arconae. Throughout the last year he has weighed in either publically or privately on every topic within the Arconan Summit, on multiple occasions going so far as to offer alternatives to our current tools and resources, designing a number of spreadsheets and trackers that I use to this day.

He has also been indispensible in driving Arcona to the activity we at times take for granted, willing to game and organize others to play together. He leads the way along with a few others who will make the efforts to encourage others to activity and participation.

For everything you do, It is a pleasure to see you rise to a new height.

Uji Tameike

Proconsul of Arcona

Fist Uji Tameike, 2017-03-20 03:22:22 UTC

It’s hard to precisely define Irfan’s contributions as a member. Is it his competition organization (50 since his last promotion)? His activity (234 competitions participated in, 74 placing)? His leadership, first as Battleteam leader and then Quaestor of Qel-Droma? His consistently useful advice to the Arconan Summit? I don’t know.

What I do know is that Maré, or Celahir, has been amazingly, gobsmackingly active over the past year and a half, and managed to be a valued contributor to the atmosphere and culture of our Clan even while doing more as a member than almost anyone else. I know that he’s a pleasure to have around. I know that he’s almost always got something useful to say. And I know that he more than deserves this promotion to the Summit of the Equite ranks.

Congratulations, Irfie. <3

-Timeros, Rollmaster Arcona

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2017-03-20 03:22:56 UTC

Maré, Irfan, Celahir...no matter what name you use, the one common word to describe this man is “outstanding”. Celahir was brought into the FIST office by my predecessor, and has been an essential part of my staff ever since.

During his six months as magistrate, Celahir has taken on a number of projects (almost always of his own volition) most notably the re-organization and editing of the vast trove (~40) of Gaming and Fist-related Wiki pages. Additionally, he spearheaded a re-write of the General Warfare Shadow Academy course, bringing the course in line with our current systems and finally eliminating all IRC focused language from the course.

Additionally, Celahir keeps the clusters flowing in his primary M:Fist role: keeping the submission queue cleared. Since joining the staff, he has reviewed and approved 249 PvE activities and 90 PvP activities. He has organized quite a few gaming competitions as well, most notably the year-long Mobile and Flash gaming competitions.

Irfan is exactly the type of member this club needs in its senior ranks. He is driven, focused, and above all he places the membership ahead of himself. I am honored to have the chance to raise my voice in chorus with Atty, Uji (log), Tim, and Farrin in recommending Irfy for elevation to the last of the Equite ranks.

Congratulations, Cel. Nobody has earned this more than you.


Fist of the Brotherhood

Master Dracaryis, 2017-03-20 03:23:17 UTC