Atra is a powerhouse of activity. Since his recognition last December, her has knocked out 29 competitions and placed in fifteen of them. To say nothing for his 34 Clusters of Ice — which stem from his near fourteen thousand words of fiction — he's also earned a respectable 145 Clusters of Fire and 271 Clusters of Earth from the myriad gaming activity he participates in, and two Clusters of Graphite for his dabbling in the (dark) arts. Three Scrolls of Foundation and an additional Scroll of Loyalty round out this entire ensemble. Between his twenty-four hours as Quaestor, the position which I promtly stole, and the one course passed which somehow earned him two degrees (one of which was a Savant), he keeps himself busy on the weekends.
With all this in mind, I hereby and highly recommend a Anteian Cross for Atra Ventus. Good work amigo. You earned it.
Qyreia Arronen, 2017-04-30 17:17:37 UTC