Event Details

Event ID
Katyusha Neige
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Katyusha Neige can now stand proud having successfully completed the last of the Knighthood trials. Having been an active presence since joining us back in January, Kat has demonstrated a dedicated and active effort throughout the Journeymen ranks. Kat has participated in some 25 total competitions and co-organized a further 3, two of which were DJB wide. This activity has earned Kat a total of 5 different crescents, alongside a Dark Cross, 3 Clusters of Fire, and 14 Clusters of Graphite. Kat has also completed a lengthy character development fiction and has completed a fantastic character wiki page.

All the while Kat has been an endearing force on telegram and continually involved with the other members of Clan Scholae Palatinae. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to recommend Katyusha Neige be promoted to the rank of Knight! Congratulations Kat, Drinks are on you!

Xen'Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-13 22:43:46 UTC
Additional reasons

Kat has established himself as a valuable member at the core of the Scholae Palatinae community through both constant activity on telegram and in the club's events. We're lucky to have Kat's enthusiasm for the club among our ranks, and we look forward to his further development through the equite ranks.


Elincia Rei


General Zentru'la, 2017-05-12 18:43:57 UTC

Katyusha Neige has kept up continuous effort and progressive activity via Telegram chat rooms and within the Brotherhood. Since their last promotion, Katyusha has participated in 11 competitions, learned to PVP in Jedi Academy, and has started planning out a battleplan -- something they have never done before! Kat is always stepping past their boundaries to try and have fun in whatever way they can here. Great job Kat! Keep up the great work :D Huge congratulations upon receiving Knighthood. I can't wait to see you climb higher in the ranks here.

Alara Deathabane Aedile of Excidium

Alara Deathbane, 2017-05-12 20:59:44 UTC

I am honored to see Katyusha Neige elevated to the rank of Knight on this day. It is the culmination of hard work, the will to never quit, and the power of friendship seeing a member through all things. Today, Kat, you are recognized as a full member of our club - part of a family that will push you, drive you crazy, torment you... and always be at your side.

I am torn between "Congratulations!" and "I told you so." Kat joined a short while before I rejoined Scholae Palatinae. When I first arrived, I marked Kat as a member with great potential, but limited thirst for success. Truly, the road to Knight is more about a member's ability to grind out tasks than really enjoying what our club has to offer. And I was not sure Kat would see it through... at first. Then, watching Kat interact with fellow members of Tacitus Athanasius, I knew this was a member that would not only last to see himself elevated to Knight, but would become a foundational piece of his Battle Team, House, and Clan.

Now, all of the mindless grinding is behind you, and you can truly work on tasks, competitions, or anything that mildly intrigues you. There is no guidebook or list of requirements to the next rank. Yet, I know you will do great in your journey to Equite, because it is a path which you already walk. As a Hunter (and before), you showed commitment to communicating with your peers & leaders, you demonstrated the ability to target activities that held your interest (and when none existed, to create your own), and you discuss our 'world' as an open sandbox full of endless possibilities to explore. And it is all of those things. Keep up the great activity, continue to contribute to the discussion about the evolution of the new Clan System, and never lose the courage to speak your mind, Kat.

Well done! I cannot wait until I have the honor of advancing you into the Equite ranks one day. Until then, 'Arise, Kat, a Knight of Scholae Palatinae!'

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-05-13 13:11:54 UTC