Event Details

Event ID
Sage Enzo Dek
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Of the team of people I pulled from a large pool of Magistrate applicants that I did not hire, Dek has been the stand out performer. His activity has outshone anyone else I've assigned tasks to, and has been invaluable as a project aide. Most specifically, Dek tackled the new Run-On Studies Guide. He took the initial draft and notes from myself and Wuntila and ran with them. He read my feedback each time, and continued to work diligently to make the exam better and more in line with what I wanted. He crafted the questions to my specifications, and helped finish the first project under my Writing Department revamp project. On top of this, Dek has been working on small things as a proof reader, and even created a Character Sheet as an additional task for Kanan Jaruss from Star Wars: Rebels. This will be added to the Canon Character Guidelines to showcase more of how Canon character work in our system.

Thank you for the hustle and hard work, Dek. I really respect you stepping up even without holding an official position on my staff. I appreciate it.

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-05-17 02:15:30 UTC