What can I say about Hitokiri other than he is an outstanding member. Not only has he participated in the RoS but he is a driving force in Oriens Obscurum. I know I'm not his QUA but I would like to award this to him for many different reasons. As his Master he has completed every task I have ever asked him to do. He is strong in the ACC he plays Allegiance, He participates in many different competitions and this medal is long over due. I forsee Hitokiri becoming a great leader within the DB and I would like to thank him for everything he has done. I'm sure if you ask anyone if he is deserving of this award they will tell you yes because he is such a great guy and great member. To tell you the truth with more members like him the DB would be a much better place. Congratulations Hito you deserve this.
, 2005-10-07 22:00:00 UTC