As a constant presence on Telegram, Dolash is there for every member. Sharing his knowledge, and expanding it in the Shadow Academy. He recently passed eight Courses and gained three degrees. He put his present and newly gained knowledge to use in 14 competitions, earning 3 Crescents of various types, 4CGs and two LoS. While staying active, activity is something Dolash offers others as well, by hosting three competitions.
Dolash has done an awesome job as battleteam leader of Viata, a position he's in for three months now. Together with his team he's creating Viatas story and identity, and began the outline of a promising battleteam wiki. In preparation towards the upcoming GJW, Dolash is part of the team that's working to notch up Tarentum's activity by hosting simple, yet fun, competitions in the form of Driftwood
I'm looking forward to your future accomplishments. For those uptill now, Dolash, take this Anteian Cross.
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae, 2017-06-03 13:55:37 UTC