Event Details

Event ID
Warden Benn Nevis
Grand Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Firith is a grumpy, grumpy chap, who has become part of the woodwork in Naga Sadow. He may not always agree with decisions and questions a lot of things that go on in the DB, yet he is a genuine, honest bloke. That we have the added bonus of his wife, Lilith in the Clan is a boon to it. Together, they encourage their Battleteams to have a friendly rivalry and enliven our chat and engage with others in the Clan.

Firith's writing ability is quite good and despite thinking that he wasn't good enough, he took the decision to compete in the Harrowing ACC event, where he did a match against Aul, one of our best writers. I was extremely impressed by Firith's posts, which painted a good story and I hope he continues to participate in the ACC.

Naga Sadow is blessed with many active Equites, who I know will go on to lead Naga Sadow in the future. I believe Firith will have his time to shine in leadership if he chooses to take the plunge.

Thank you for your hard work, Firith.

Consul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-06-14 21:47:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Firith...Firith is a GOOD man. He is a sounding board for me. A constant voice with me. As two old crusty military veterans we have a common bond that allows us to be very open and honest with each other and both of us can expect honest no nascence answers from each other. Firith is another pillar of the team. I do not think there are to many comps or projects he does not dive into. Every activity report Firith is usually at the top of them with all his activity and the amount of quality that he puts into each one. Amazing to have him on the team and MORE than worthy of this award. Thank you my friend and congratulations on this prestigious award.

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2017-06-14 21:44:00 UTC

What to say about Firith? He’s a workhorse and for that, I am more than happy to recommend him for a Grand Cross. His last recognition was just under 3 months ago and since then he has poured out a lot of activity, in fact, I am confident in that time period he is one of the most active members of the Clan which is certainly wonderful to see.

Most recent competitions include the MAA puzzles, Haiku events, monthly gaming events, Graphics and fiction events galore. May the 4th Event, New Ties Event with Tarentum, The Herald Tournament and so on! In fact, I have to stop here as he’s partaken in 83 competitions. I just couldn’t list them all.

Gaming wise Firith has taken part in 3 PvP matches and 2 PvE matches earning himself 19 CF’s and 35 CEs.

Fictionally he has achieved 14 CI’s, he's taken part in the ACC event The Harrowing for CNS, done 5 fiction activities totalling 1092 words and 5 RO posts with 5325 words.

Other achievements include 1 SA course passed, 19 Crescents (5 Topaz, 1 Emerald, 4 Sapphire, 6 Amethyst, 3 Diamond), 1 Seal of Loyalty and 32 Clusters of Graphite!

I am beyond proud to recommend Firith for this Grand Cross!

Well Done!

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2017-06-14 21:47:02 UTC