Event Details

Event ID
Ethan Martes
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Ethan Martes has completed the following requirements to become a Jedi Knight:

  • He has been awarded a Dark Cross for consistent activity in House Satele Shan
  • He has been awarded 10 Crescents
  • He has participated in 30 competitions
  • He has organized the successful Deeper Look fiction competition.
  • He has reached the fourth rank of the Inquisitorius
  • He has been awarded 9 Clusters of Ice for just shy of 4,000 words of character fiction. Beyond this, he has written character fiction outside of competitions and shared it with he clanmates.
  • He has been awarded 3 Pendants of Blood

In addition to these, Ethan served with distinction in our cooperative event with Clan Taldryan, entering 5 competitions, of which he took first place in one and third in another. Ethan is an absolute fixture in the COU Telegram channel, where he's warm, friendly, and encouraging to his fellow journeymen. For all of these reasons, it is my honor and pleasure to recommend that Ethan Martes be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight.

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-06-23 23:19:11 UTC
Additional reasons

Ethan Martes.....this man has created one of the zaniest characters Ive seen in all my years in the DJB. His antics in fiction has given me quite a few laughes and is a refreshing change from the brooding Force user that many of us have created.

Since his last promotion he has organized two competitions, spent his required Time in Rank, awarded 3 PoB's, participated in 12 competitions (obtaining 4 Crescents), reached Rank 4 in the Inquisitorius, and written well over 300 words of character fiction. Beyond that though, he has cemented himself in as an active and talkative member in the COU telegram chat.

While he has only been here a few months, I can see Ethan going far in the DJB, and changing it for the better as he goes. Congratulations my friend, your ascension to Knight is well deserved!

General Daniel Stephens, 2017-06-22 22:09:39 UTC

It is my pleasure to shower him in praises he will probably say he doesn't deserve. Well, here goes anyways. Deal with it, Ethan.

One, Ethan is an absolute delight to write with, especially his great attitude. He follows through with his writing and willingly sticks around for more. Two, he has proven to be a dedicated learner and an avid writer. Third, he is a wonderful community presence and a great friend. Lastly, Ethan has been a great teammate to Odan-Urr and his House. I can't stress this enough because it is one of the best things he does for Odan-Urr.

I couldn't be prouder of all he has accomplished. Congratulations on this momentous promotion! To your inevitable rise to the Equites and a celebration of the awesomeness that is Ethan.

Aura Ta'var


Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-06-23 04:12:54 UTC

I knew Ethan briefly before he joined the Brotherhood as he is game master for a Pathfinder game I participate in. I was excited to see him join as in our campaign I have gotten to see his writing and improvisation skills for characters.

I was not disappointed. Ethan's well formed character, a smooth talking Force user with an obsession with gambling (and other acts of questionable legality) has been incredibly fun to interact with and read. He is always a presence in the various chats he is in sending keeping up his antics and helping to lighten the mood.

It is my pleasure to recommend Ethan Martes for his Knighting!

Congrats Ethan, you have earned this!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-06-23 22:47:30 UTC