Event Details

Event ID
Lontra Boglach
Steel Cross
Requested by
Qor Kith
Primary reason

Raiju is a powerhouse of intense and positive activity, ensuring that the people who are watching him are certainly impressed. He’s participated in 43 competitions, completed 4 ACC battles which earned him 20 CIs and he has also collected 2 Seals of Loyalty for his service to the Brotherhood. He has earned 1 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, and 2 Topaz crescents. As an active gamer, Raiju has also earned 45 CFs, 31 CEs, and has earned 2 CGs for his artwork.

His hard work also pays off in his attention to detail in the SA structure, as he has completed 19 courses and passed 4 degrees.

While Raiju has been here and spent most of his time getting to know the members and help rebuild Imperium’s battleteam, he has been an invaluable member of our society.


Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-08-10 18:40:22 UTC
Additional reasons

Raiju has jumped into his new role as Battleteam Leader in House Imperium with not only vigour and zeal, but also a plan and a structure to his approach. His first report contains exceptional depth in his plans for the team, and can be found here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/reports-introductions-renovations. Shortly after that Raiju wasted no time in getting opinions from his members on the state of affairs from the battleteam level to the club level to further guide his plans by a gdocs survey which can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmUT-EM_dhek6Qc4fkbSmihRo3Qr-_iwhxwcqknz1ow8vnPA/viewform

Since then, Raiju has created a planning group for his team on telegram which will be used to 'have real time conversations about the stuff that comes up in the surveys and where we figure out what our next steps are'. Raiju is a leader that is in constant contact with his members by a multitude of channels, and one of our most active members on the clan mailing list. We're lucky to have him on the leadership team.


Elincia, Proconsul

General Zentru'la, 2017-08-10 15:56:55 UTC