Event Details

Event ID
Alara Deathbane
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I am proud to present Alara Deathbane a Grand Cross Cross for her exemplary efforts as a role model for both her House and Clan. There are few members that work as diligently or as hard as Alara. She is someone that our members should - and do - look up to.

Since her last recognition, Alara has participated in 40 competitions, organized 19 competitions, submitted 7 PVP Matches, penned 3 Fiction Activities (2711 words!), passed 4 Shadow Academy courses, and gained 2 Dark Side Degrees. In that same time, she has collected numerous awards: 7 Crescents (1 Cr-R, 1 Cr-A, 4 Cr-S, 1 Cr-T), 16 Clusters of Fire, 5 Clusters of Ice, and 24 Clusters of Graphite. She has also held the position of Aedile before transition to the role of Quaestor of House Excidium. Her efforts as a leader continue to impress as both an individual consumer of activity and a high-level producer of content that excites our membership. This includes two House Fiction Updates that total well over ten pages: The Empty Chalice and Starving Gods.

Keep up the effort, kiddo. You are a wonder to watch at work and I anticipate even greater things from you in the future. Very proud of your achievements.

Braecen Kaeth
Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-09-19 17:35:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Exceptionally active both in terms of her own activity record and her contribution to the clan leadership, Alara is everything we hoped she would be when she joined the summit team. She brings with her an excellent combination of work rate and pragmatism, and has done a great job of organising her house and her leadership team.

Her recent creation of a House Excidium Leadership Calendar, which contains all the major events, reporting days, competitions, project deadlines, etc. for the house and its subunits outlines her organised approach to leadership. Furthermore, Alara never forgets her members and is very quick to recognise those who deserve it.

When Alara joined the clan and made her way through the journeyman ranks everyone spoke about how she would be a future leader of the clan. She has surpassed all expectations. Thanks for everything you do for us.

Consul of Scholae Palatinae

General Zentru'la, 2017-09-19 17:31:56 UTC