Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

Tirano is a member that I am glad has returned to activity. He put in a good effort in the Pro-Bowl, and has been a steady player in the gaming community, both on mobile and console. I have no doubt that Tirano will be a central figure in Taldryan's growth in the future.

Since his last recognition Tirano has participated in 71 competitions, earning 7 crescents in the process. He has passed 7 Shadow academy courses and earned 1 degree in doing so. Throughout his gaming, and fiction activities Tirano has accumulated 455 Clusters of Fire, 1 Cluster of Ice, 33 Clusters of earth, and 5 Pendants of Blood.

I am looking forward to what comes next from Tirano and I am proud to award him a Steel Cross!

Dr. Rhylance, 2017-09-22 03:38:06 UTC