Event Details

Event ID
Kul'tak Drol
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
Primary reason

Kul'tak Drol is easily one of the most consistently active members of House Karness Muur and Clan Plagueis as a whole. Over the last five months, his competitive streak has increased by an impressive 23 competitions, including 9 entries to the 2017 Plagueis/Taldryan Pro Bowl event we just finished, earning a first place victory in one of the first week. On top of his great showing in our inter-clan event, Kul has participated in several club-wide competitions to show that Clan Plagueis doesn't just care about their own parties. He's been an active presence in the FIST's Flash Gaming Bracket competitions as well as the Twelve Weeks a Haiku poetry series.

Kul's representation as a stalwart member of the House has been invaluable as his prowess has earned him 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star and 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star. His activity in writing continues in our clan’s Manifest Destiny Run-On, providing a contribution of 925 words as well as 674 words of fiction in competitions, netting him 6 Clusters of Ice as well as 2 Clusters of Graphite for his graphics.

As a part of House Karness Muur, Kul’tak has been by far one of our most present members. He's a regular on Telegram, always joining in the conversations and assisting other Plagueians when he can. His near-zealous enthusiasm is a consistent benefit to the unit and Clan Plagueis would be a much less interesting place without him. There is no member I'd rather recommend this Anteian Cross for than Kul’tak Drol.

Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia, 2017-09-21 21:40:29 UTC