Event Details

Event ID
Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

I was going to recommend this award for Ma'ar before he stepped down as QUA of Tridens, but now it makes it even more important. There's a lot one could say about Ma'ar and I hope that I do him justice with this recommendation. When Ma'ar became QUA of Tridens, the house was arguably in a rather uneasy state. It was going through various house summit changes rather quickly. Ma'ar was a stabalizing force for the house. His take no prisoners leadership helped ensure that Tridens remained a force to be reckoned with. He kept the house in tip-top shape: He encouraged older members to stay active and his work with the new members, both in the capacity of QUA and Envoy was top rate work. It is not often that someone gets to be someone's superior in three aspects of the Brotherhood, but I have done so with Ma'ar. I was his PCON, the KCB, and the Praetor to the Headmaster. I have seen Ma'ar excel in everything that was thrown his way and then some.

Ma'ar's personal activity level, especially in the Obelisk RoS, has also been outstanding, constantly on IRC, e-mail, and gaming. He led both in word and deed. In his own words, Ma'ar may have stepped on some toes in his time as Questor, but it was part of what made him a great leader. He didn't accept "no" from those under his command, or from himself, and he is without a doubt one of the most active, dedicated members of Clan Tarentum. When one person does so much, it is sometimes hard to see it all when you are in the middle of it. Having taken a step back, I can look at everything as a whole. This award is specifically for consistent service that is recognized on the whole, and Ma'ar most certainly has earned it.

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2005-10-27 22:00:00 UTC