For Dox Romanae,
A fine leader should be awarded for the things he has done, and I feel the Dark Cross suits this.
Why? A very good question not easily answered, Dox has been a fine Leader, trustful, wise and full of heart for the team and his members. he continued to run the Circle his brother made great and I am proud to be in the footsteps of both great men.
Another reason, which is the fact he is a very active member. He is active in every single gaming night there is and is willing to do so to motivate his members.
A wise leader once told me that there is only one thing you should know to be a leader: "Serve the Members." and he has outdone himself on that area completely.
Dox Romanae, my friend, my brother. If anyone has earned such a medal as this for a Battleteam, it would be you.
Best of luck brother :)
In Darkness.
Ylith Romanae
Ylith Atema, 2005-10-29 22:00:00 UTC