Event Details

Event ID
Rax Von-Klug
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Since Rax transferred to Tarentum from Dinaari, he earned ten Crescents (with a Diamond Crescent high), 122 Clusters of Earth, participated in two GJW events, and worked to help coordinate our Possessions tab on the main site for clarity of purpose and organization. I am truly disheartened that Rax had to resign as Proconsul. I chose him for a very specific reason, because I know the kind of man he is, the dedication he can bring, and the work he’d have been able to do if life had let him. I sincerely believed that, if life had let him, he would have been succeeding me some day as Consul of Tarentum. However, that wasn’t to be the case.

And yet, since his last Merit award about 1.5 years ago, Rax has put himself out there. He organized one event, participated in 48, earned 273 medals including one Diamond Crescent, passed a Shadow Academy course, changed Clans, and really tried to insert some energy and enthusiasm into Tarentum. Rax is an active member, and contributes. This also doesn't take into account the hours that he spends on Galaxy of Heroes, which isn't just gaming. There are a great number of our GoH players who are giving advice, and trying to help their fellow Clubmates out in leveling up, being a part of the community, and having fun.

Rax, I want you to know my appreciation, the appreciation of the Clan as a whole, and I hope you feel our thanks and love for your efforts with this token of our esteem and merit. The awards from the Brotherhood can sometimes be overlooked. After all, it is an image and kind words. But in this measure, I hope the kind words are evocative of our appreciation, and our desire that, in the future, you return to us as both member and leader when he has the time.

Thank you, my friend. Come back soon.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-11 17:34:55 UTC