Event Details

Event ID
Battlelord Sykes Jade
Steel Cross
Requested by
Warlord Vincent Brujah
Primary reason

The Codex of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood says the Steel Cross is awarded for: "Extended service to one's House or Clan. Service includes aiding one's Quaestor or the Aedile with his duties in leading the House or Clan or being a role model for other members to follow."

As the Aedile of House Caliburnus, Battlemaster Sykes Rokir Jade was a role model to many, and a Master to one. He always has ideas for Caliburnus and has been completely devoted to making it better than it ever has been. On top of this Sykes always stepped up when needed and led by example over his term as Aedile. Now his time as Aedile has come to an end and I feel it only fitting to reward Sykes for all the effort he put into getting Caliburnus off of its feet. I recommend the Steel Cross for consistant service to his House, Clan, and aiding his Quaestor whenever needed. Congratulations Sykes and thank you.

  • DJK Brujah Tamalar Quaestor of House Caliburnus

Warlord Vincent Brujah, 2005-11-13 23:00:00 UTC