Event Details

Event ID
Shikyo Keibatsu
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Hitokiri is without a doubt, the singular essense of HOO. He is both Aedile and Envoy and has been for nearly four months now. Not only does he help me with everything on a day to day basis he furthers the house in ways that only he can truely do. Hitokiri is a people person through and through and is instrumental in creating a friendly atmosphere within the house. He has personally mentored over 10 members to ACO rank and above and is responsible for retaining the new members that we now have. Within Arcona and HOO he is perhaps one of the top few guys in terms of activity and dedication. He has created numerous comps and events for us, including most recently setting up an ACC Ladder for a Clan-war within Arcona. His daily communications and personal emails to every member really keeps the house together and shows everyone he cares. Not only within Arcona but members of the DB at large are getting to know Hitokiri and are learning his name. I would have liked to promote him to DJK for he has filled all of the static requirements but leadership wise it is best to give him time to mature. As such I wish to reward my Aedile with his first Steel Cross

, 2005-11-14 23:00:00 UTC