Zeline Nemesis, one of our best journeyman in the war, has been a busy person. Since the last promotion at least 21 days ago, she has participated in 10 competitions, passed the Leadership Management SA course, wrote 1000 words of character fiction, co-organized 1 competition, and joined the Clan in our many chat mediums. During this time, she had earned Shadow Academy Society Rank 3, earned 10 clusters of graphite, and earned a Dark Cross for her GJW efforts! The fact that a lot of this came during the war itself was impressive and showed her dedication to the Clan in a way few achieved in pure participation alone.
I am extremely proud of Zeline Nemesis and honored to recommend that she be promoted to the rank of Padawan. Congratulations and great work! I can't wait to see what you get up to as Knight! :)
Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress, Odan-Urr
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-12 00:19:28 UTC