Over the last year Balis has shown a dedication to Plagueis through consistent participation in Clan related events. Participating in multiple competitions in both The Plagueis Winter Trials and The Enemy Below, Balis earned himself 2 Crescents with Amethyst for first place in the Lifeblood of the Stars competition as well as the independently run competition Seal of What? Additionally he has taken home 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star for placing third in Club Wide competitions bringing the total of competitions participated in up to a total of 9. In all of this Balis earned 5 Clusters of Graphite and 3 Clusters of Ice for writing over 1500 words of fiction. Balis’ drive to expand his knowledge has led him to passing 5 courses in the Shadow Academy which in turn has earned him a new Degree.
Balis, you have proved himself deserving of a Dark Cross in recognition of your hard work, I am truly looking forward to seeing what comes next for you.
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia, 2017-12-15 18:52:02 UTC