Event Details

Event ID
Hyle Alihandross
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

The time has finally come, the one we anxiously wait for the moment we join the club. The ascension to Knighthood. Over the last few months, Hyle Alihandross has done some great things as a JM3. He has participated in 15 competitions, been awarded 2 Crescents for placing in major competitions, co-organized 1 fiction competition, wrote a nice wiki page for his character, and wrote 3000 words of character fiction as reviewed by his master. During this process, he has racked up 14 Clusters of Ice and reached INQ Society Rank 4.

Unfortunately, this doesn't tell the whole story. It doesn't speak to his service to Odan-Urr and his fellow Odanites. Simply put we had a Great Jedi War and Hyle more than showed up. In addition, he's been writing with his fellow Odanites and has shown wonderful support to the Clan. He has so much potential and I can't wait to see him unlock even more of it.

For all this, I am very pleased to recommend that Hyle Alihandross be promoted to the rank of Knight. Odan-Urr is proud to have him and we look forward to what he does next. I just want to say that you've made me so happy and proud of you today. Congratulations and enjoy all the new shinies that Knight gives you!

Gives Hyle sushi and rancor tequila

Aura Ta'var
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2018-01-01 05:41:53 UTC
Additional reasons

The time has come for my apprentice Hyle Alihandross to be knighted! As Aura has stated, he’s participated in a number of competitions even hosted a fiction competition and more. It has been a great opportunity to be Hyle’s master. He has been a great apprentice, reaching out to me whenever he needs assistance and showing initiative. Hyle seems to always be busy writing a fiction and supporting the clan.

When I first encountered Hyle as he stepped from his shuttle, I could sense that he had great promise. He did not protest when I took him straight to training. At first, he thought I was kidding when I brought out the training drone with a helmet with a blinder on it. Quickly he realized that I was not. It was a proud moment once we went thru many lessons that Hyle learned to truly understand the force.

Can’t wait to see what he will bring forth in the future. As his master I highly recommend that Hyle Alihandross be promoted from his rank of JM3 to the rank of Knight. Again, I look forward to seeing what he will write next! Congratulations!

Junazee, 2018-01-01 03:58:12 UTC