It is my pleasure to be recommending Darth Aeternus, or simply Korras, to be recognized with a Dark Cross today. Since his last recognition, Korras has competed in 17 different competitions (earning 2 Cr-S, 1 Cr-E, 2, Cr-T, and 2 LSS), completed 2 fiction activities (totally 1017 words) and earning 3 CIs, competed in the JA Bracket event and has earned 2 CFs, completed 3 Shadow Academy courses and earning 1 degree. While Korras is new to Imperium & Scholae Palatinae, he's come to be quickly accepted as a member of our clan through his active participation in the clan and house telegram groups, and as such because of his continuing presence and the activities listed above, I'd like to recommend him for a Dark Cross.
Watchman Lontra Boglach, 2018-01-24 16:46:51 UTC