Event Details

Event ID
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Dark Cross
Requested by
Boss Ragnar Kul
Primary reason

Talis has been a stellar member of Tython Squadron and has earned this Dark Cross for his recent efforts supporting the BT. Specifically, he placed second overall in the joint Nighthawk-Tython event Rendezvous of Destiny. He participated in all 4 competitions of the event and took first place in the fiction, penning an epic 3200 word story. Overall, he took part in 12 comps to include all of the Tython competitions during Operation Enigma and the above mentioned recent event. He has been awarded 2 Crescents for his efforts. Beyond this, Talis is a driving force within the vibrant Tython Telegram channel and drives discourse and debate. He spearheaded compiling the 'call-signs' of the members and has actively pressed on the fictional immersion of the group. Congratulations Talis, and thank you for your service.

Boss Ragnar Kul, 2018-02-09 14:25:38 UTC