Korroth has been, and continues to be my rock within Tython Squadron. Not a flashy member, he consistently delivers and performs at an outstanding level. Specifically, he has participated in 11 events, and has won first place overall in both the Operation Enigma and Rendezvous of Destiny events. For his efforts he has taken 6 Crescents and a Legion of the Scholar. Beyond this, Korroth has been active in Tython's Telegram channel and has been our Wiki guru. Korroth has edited and formatted several Tython associated Wiki pages, to include the Tython Squadron page, the npc Silvia Tanos page, our support craft Hegemon page, and the BTL page for consistency in order to facilitate a seamless and integrated fictional backstory for the unit. Simply put, Tython would not be remotely as successful without Korroth's performance and support. Thank you for your service.
Mauro Wynter, 2018-02-09 14:31:16 UTC