Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

I'd like to recommend DJK Jaysun Adumarii for an award. Since I've gotten Satal's Wisdom up and running, Jaysun has been perhaps my most active member. He's completed quite possibly most if not all of the SA courses that are currently available, and has done so quite rapidly. His offering to take on a student, and thanking you for taking over as Acting Consul, has impressed me, and I feel that he's worthy of being recognized. Thus, I recommend DJK Jaysun Adumarii be awarded. ~KAP Jason Hunter

I have to say, Jaysun has been a very active part of the Clan and his House. In a matter of two months, he has gained himself three Dark Cross', which I feel is a great feat to achieve. His activity has been a sight to see, and I feel that he is due to receive a Steel Cross. ~Esca

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2005-11-28 23:00:00 UTC