Event Details

Event ID
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Kadrol has been one of our most consistently bright sources of activity since returning to the club, and to Scholae Palatinae. Since his last promotion (15 days ago) Kadrol has completed 13 competitions, and contributed to the activity of other members of the club by hosting two DB-wide competitions of his own. This activity has earned Kadrol 8 crescents, with one at Ruby level, 3 clusters of ice and 7 clusters of graphite. Not only that, but he has passed 3 additional Shadow Academy courses, earning 2 degrees along the way.

Kadrol's activity in the last couple of weeks has been phenomenal and we're very happy to have him in the clan. Congratulations on your promotion!


Consul of Scholae Palatinae

General Zentru'la, 2018-05-11 20:31:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Kadrol has been extremely active on the Telegram channels, and his thirst for knowledge impressed me. His dedication to the club activities is shown in his rapid gain of SA titles and comps he has run. I am proud of him for certain, and hope to see him attain greatness in the club, as well as real life.

Kylex Sanguris

Kylex Sanguris, 2018-05-11 20:31:18 UTC

Kadrol has been the most active member of his battle team and has consistently shown drive and enthusiasm for the DJB to not only better himself but those around him. His activity ranging from participating in and Running competitions, getting degrees, to general activity and presence is felt every day in chat and his leadership's inboxes, I couldn't be prouder to be his BTL and can't wait to see him continue his journey towards knighthood.

Derek Cinn, 2018-05-10 19:10:18 UTC