Kadrol has been one of the most active members of Scholae Palatinae since his last promotion. In that time (3 weeks) he has participated in 6 competitions, and won a diamond and ruby crescent, the two highest crescents the club has to offer. In addition, he has contributed to the activity of others by helping me to organise a competition to design a map of the clan capital.
However, Kadrol really shines in his SA course completion rate - in 3 weeks he has passed 23 courses, gaining 7 degrees, one of which was a Dark Sage - History and Lore. Having a Dark Sage and a Diamond Crescent at this stage in his DB career is exceptional.
Finally, Kadrol has been active in project work for the clan, as we are currently planning a land grant system. Kadrol was tasked with going through the wiki and finding all former land grant systems the clans have used, providing a summary of them, as well as giving his take/view on what he would like to see happen with the system. Completing a document with over 4000 words, this has become the foundation for the new CSP land grant system as we further refine it for use.
Kadrol's resume, for his current rank, is excellent, and we've been very happy with his progress in the club.
Kadrol's Master and CSP Consul
General Zentru'la, 2018-06-01 19:45:25 UTC