It is a pleasure to be able to make this recommendation to recognize Calindra Hejaran with a promotion to Equite 2. Since I've been Consul of Scholae Palatinae, Calindra has been one of the most active members of the clan in both her activity rate and community engagement
Calindra's activity mostly falls under two areas: personal activity & founding of Pellaeon. When it comes to personal activity, Calindra has participated in 51 competitions in addition to hosting 16 competitions of her own, earning 21 crescents for her efforts. In addition, Calindra has gathered a collection of medals in all areas of the club; completing 12 SA courses and 1 degree, having earned 29 clusters of fire, 32 clusters of ice, and 3 of graphite, plus 3 Scroll of Foundation, 5 Seal of Wrath, and has written over 7600 words of fiction. She’s also earned 1 Steel Cross and a Dark Cross for various clan / house projects, including world building projects. In addition to the personal activity above, Calindra has been a extremely vocal and visible member of the clan; regularly involved in our Telegram channels and developing its community, making 43 comments on the website, writing 3 reports in her time as Battleteam Leader, completing 2 ACC battles, and judging 4 battles in her 3 months as a member of the ACC staff, while also making 5 Runon posts, totalling 3296 words.
Finally, in terms of positioned leadership, I refer back to some context I wrote in her Steel Cross: Last year, just before the GJW, Imperium was extremely unstable. Every position in the house saw change, and this included myself rising quickly from BTL through Aedile to Quaestor. This would normally have create a great deal of turmoil for a unit, however I was fortunate enough to have Calindra as a willing individual that stepped up to help in my plans for change to build stability to the house. For most new BTLs, they come into an already established unit and just take over the maintenance. Instead, for Calindra, from Day One she was forced to deal with creating a new team out of nothing but the above-mentioned turmoil. Given a position, and an outline of what my plan had been before becoming Quaestor, Calindra dove in to creating a new team as the new project leader. No members, no lore, no identity, no unifying factors at all. In fact, she had the competing activities of Wagglehorn to contend with as well - but they ended up working together rather than separate.
Given a position and told to make a team to surround it. Build a community to be worthy of this post. This was done through stages, first building relationships with members free floating in Imperium and Scholae Palatinae. Her focus was first just on building friendships with others and familiarizing herself with them. Calindra did this through a combination of individual email, Telegram private messaging, and engagement with our members in the clan channel. And from here, was the second stage; Building Relationships between members - where - after she had contacted everyone mentioned above, she started using the information she had to try to forge connections with people in the house. Make soft introductions, share others interests with someone who would benefit so they can connect. Basically, we asked her to be a matchmaker and this evolved (in coordination with Wagglehorn) into a discussion channel on Telegram that both Calindra and Waggle facilitated. Something that would become the Battleteam Discussion channel, and later turned into the current House Imperium channel. This was push through daily discussion topics on what people like about star wars, what their characters are like, etc. Through the combined efforts of Calindra and Wagglehorn we were getting hour-long public discussions almost every other day on these channels and that lead to finding out what roles people like to playand guiding the discussion from just want people liked about star wars - to what they wanted to play here in the club. They facilitated conversations about what eventually 2 new Battleteams would become and create unique identities for these teams. One stealth orientated and one militarily orientated. From here, we asked them to fill out these teams with the following: Battleteam Name, Motto, Theme, Patron/Canon Example, How do the teams fit into Imperium, What role do members have, and any other descriptive information. And finally, once Wagglehorn & Calindra had the pieces. They put it together into a competition event to test out what they had developed. This was a House Level event that was created through their research, ideas, and promoting that we used to carve out the formation of these teams. To clarify, in the past 3 months we have had Calindra be an active contributor to both Imperium’s and its Battleteam’s community development. In that time, she has been helpful in strategizing our initial focus on the Battleteam Creation Project and turning these two units into member-driven communities. This has been done in part from reaching out to other members in our clan, house, and BT development chats on telegram, surveying them, and participating in the lengthy hour long conversations on the initial planning of these units to figure out what kind of interests and concepts the members wanted to see in the Battleteams. Additionally, she has promoted these BT concepts and plans with other active CSP and rogued Palpatines in an effort to recruit them. Finally, she has also served as the voice on the summit for Pellaeon’s members and ensuring that we continue to serve the desires of this community along with the other communities under the Scholae Palatinae umbrella.
So thank you, Calindra. We could not manage without your continued contributions, dedication, and overall presence. Keep up great effort, especially in your new home in Excidium.
Elincia Rei, From the whole CSP summit
General Zentru'la, 2018-06-10 16:53:17 UTC