Event Details

Event ID
Maximus Alvinius
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Over the last four months, Maximus (Landon to many of us) has come to define what we will expect for Social Media Tribunes well into the future. Since May, he has done an exceptional job at upgrading our social media draw and bringing in new members to the club. Landon posts regular updates and promotes the excellent work of our members on Facebook, helping to drive an explosion in interest in the Brotherhood. Previous to his time as Social Media Tribune, our Facebook page rarely had posts exceeding a reach of a few hundred individuals and the page had a total of 800 likes. Landon immediately went to work, overhauling the page's imagery, promoting the page and interacting with people that like or comment on its posts. After his efforts to revamp the page and perform targeted promotion of our organization, our likes on Facebook increased by more than 2500, with some of our posts reaching more than twenty thousand people. The results of his efforts were plain in our join numbers: we had the single largest joins in a single quarter in recent memory, eclipsing any single quarter of random joins due to recent movie releases with 160 new members reaching clans last quarter. Perhaps most importantly for his office's work in the future, his experimentation with targeted ads have identified groups that we can reach in the future.

Landon's efforts as Social Media Tribune over the last four months, along with his work for the Herald's office described below, make him more than worthy of an Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations, Landon!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Grand Master

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2018-08-08 01:53:41 UTC
Additional reasons

The Shroud Society was one of the most massive projects I have personally worked on and it involved many individuals who contributed in major or minor ways. Maximus (Landon) contributed massively, to say the least. Before I list his contributions, I would like to give some context as to how long, exactly, Maximus had to do all the work I piled on his shoulders. When I hired him as Magistrate to the Herald we were only several steps/weeks/months away from releasing the content we had been working on for years. In those last five months, a lot of things went wrong that delayed our efforts, but also in those five months 90% of the graphics work was done and it put a lot of stress on the staff. Enter Maximus with his insatiable need to create and undeterred will to contribute to anything and everything that would progress the Societies. At first, his work included only 4 graphics but later on, as the project developed and took its toll, Max accepted more and more work. In short, he has delivered 8 of the 20 skins developed for the Shroud Society as well as the GMRG graphics update. That translates to a total of 138 images created for the Society update project, on top of his regular Herald work. His work ethic and quality of work overshadow and drawbacks that may have cropped up and I feel there's no doubt he deserves this award. Maximus, thank you for your hard work and congratulations! I hope you enjoy your new shiny weapon. ;)

  • Vyr (Morgan)
  • Deputy Grand Master

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2018-08-08 01:46:17 UTC