Event Details

Event ID
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

In the last 4 months, Kadrol has been one of the major participants for Clan Scholae Palatinae. In terms of raw numbers, he has entered 19 competitions, earned 13 crescents, and achieved a clean sweep of the competitions in phase 1 of the Rite of Supremacy, while also being a constant source of support and encouragement to his teammates. In addition, Kadrol has earned 3 clusters of ice and 7 of graphite during this time.

Further, his project work has been excellent and never stops to find ways to make things better. Most notably, Kadrol pointed out that the clan could have cosmetic aspects on its military gear, which spawned a 4 person project to assess every possession in our clan. 12 unique cosmetic aspects were written and approved, and 7 graphics produced for our wiki pages. On the topic of CSP wiki pages, Kadrol has also made many corrections to them, with regards to grammar and date inconsistencies. Kadrol was key throughout this project, constantly sharing ideas and designing proof of concept images. Also, Kadrol has been a major driver of the CSP land grant proposals, primarily working with Raiju, Kadrol designed 10 examples for the system reaching over 700 words. This doesn't stop at clan level either, as Kadrol has earned 3 scrolls of foundation 'In appreciation for submitting bug reports and other issues on Shadow Academy exams' from the Headmaster.

I feel that in the last 4 months, Kadrol's total contributions are more than sufficient to have earned this promotion. Congratulations!

Elincia Rei Consul of Scholae Palatinae and Kadrol's Master

General Zentru'la, 2018-10-24 13:19:46 UTC