Event Details

Event ID
Creon Neverse
Grand Cross
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Creon has maintained a truly outstanding level of activity since joining us in Odan-Urr. Since his last recognition, he has participated in 52 competitions and organized one of his own. Additionally, his activity spans every possible area of Brotherhood activity. In gaming, Creon has earned 82 Clusters of Fire, 174 Clusters of Earth, and 3 Pendants of Blood. In art, he has earned 22 Clusters of Graphite. Perhaps most impressively, Creon's fiction, which includes 3 ACC matches and just shy of 28,000 words of other fiction, has earned him 72 Clusters of Ice. Lastly, he passed 1 Shadow Academy exam. All told, this has earned him 9 crescents, 3 Legions of the Scholar, and 3 novae, one of each ranking.

Most importantly, Creon has brought an infectious energy and enthusiasm to everything he does. He recruited cas ovo for the Brotherhood, and mentioned Iios Singuard and Nefin Nightfire to knighthood. Creon and his recruits were a major factor in our RoS victory, not least because of the 23 RoS competitions Creon submitted to in the course of earning full completion credit for the event.

This award period also covers the last month of Creon's service as an ACC judge. In that short timeframe, he judged six matches. Although the amount of effort requires varies between judgements, six matches would easily take six hours, and most likely more.

Thank you for everything you do, Creon. It feels like just yesterday that you joined the equites, and I'm glad to see you haven't slowed down a bit.

Alethia Archenksova
Consul, Odan-Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2018-12-28 13:57:55 UTC
Additional reasons

Creon, a member that needs little introduction, has been a whirlwind of positive energy and an avid helper for Odan-Urr. We first knew him as the purveyor and hoarder of protein powder, his excitement often transcending into dancing in it. This was often while celebrating an accomplishment of a fellow Odanite or hyping up some DB news for the clan. We then saw him as an eager new Aedile, immediately jumping in to create a possession proposals/fleet building document to give Hoth a fictional playground before the Rite of Supremacy took place. Of note, this was all very rushed to get it done in time. Arch has already covered his admirable Rite of Supremacy efforts but I still have one more example that sticks out to me. After the Rite of Supremacy, Creon made a point to be active with his members, reaching out to help those that needed it and taking the time to patiently work out any issues. This takes a lot of time.

Overall, Creon has been wonderful support to Odan-Urr and his energy has been greatly appreciated. As both a member and a leader, he has shown a willingness to help others and help propel Odan-Urr forward post Rite of Supremacy. For his great activity and excellent assistance towards Odan-Urr's efforts, I am proud to recommend that Creon be awarded a Grand Cross. Thank you so much for the time and energy you've put into Odan-Urr and Congratz!

gives tub of protein powder

Aura Ta'var
PCON, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2018-12-24 19:52:33 UTC

From his transfer to COU and Hoth, Creon has always shown a great amount of activity and has contributed to the house, even becoming the Aedile when the house needed someone to take the mantle. He has shown his desire to see the house succeed as he has recruited others to join with notable names like Iios and Nefin as well as a great amount of activity in the Rite of Supremacy. He won many victories for COU and Hoth with his placement in the Jedi Academy Bracket (3rd), Faction Creation (8th), Graphic Lay of the Land (2nd), Catina Quiz (1st), and Fiction I (8th) with an overall placement of 18th in the vendetta. Creon’s dedication to the house and clan is much appreciated and valued by all as he proposed the new possessions for the Hoth to better supply the members with resources for use. There is not much else to add that has already been said.

As his Quaestor and friend, I want to show my gratitude to him for his activity, service, and overall commitment. May the Porgs be with you always!

Jael Chi’ra
Quaestor of Hoth, COU

Vorran Shadowfeather, 2018-12-28 02:30:47 UTC